
Creating a new NHS England

Information about ANRO:

The Anaesthetics National Recruitment Office (ANRO) at Health Education England working across the West Midlands is the responsible organisation for coordinating CT1 and ST4 recruitment to Anaesthetics specialty training posts (including ACCS Anaesthetics) within the NHS.

Recruitment to anaesthetics training programmes is conducted twice-yearly for August and February commencement.

It is recommended that potential applicants familiarise themselves with the Medical Specialty Recruitment Applicant Handbook 2024. 


RCoA Website: Recruitment into Anaesthesia


Amendments to ST4 Self-Assessment Guidance document:

Candidates applying to ST4 Anaesthesia in 2024 recruitment should please be aware that an amendment has been made to the guidance regarding Domain 7. Please ensure you familiarise yourself with the change prior to uploading your evidence.

The guidance previously read: 
Publications that involve audit / QI projects which have been awarded points in Domain 5 can be awarded additional points here if the work is PubMed listed or peer reviewed.

It now has been to corrected to the below:
Publications that involve audit / QI projects which have been awarded points in Domain 4 can be awarded additional points here if the work is PubMed listed or peer reviewed.

Any evidence provided for Research in Domain 5 will not be awarded points again in Domain 7. 

Please contact the ANRO inbox directly at if you need support.




2024 Recruitment


CT1 Applications Tuesday 23rd July 2024 10am) to Tuesday 13th August 2024 (4pm)

ST4 Applications Tuesday 23rd July 2024 10am) to Tuesday 13th August 2024 (4pm)

Apply          View CT1 Details         View ST4 Details




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